Auto theft
Car theft is a way to make money in criminal structures. All you need to have to start the hijacking is a turbo decoder, an ECU programmer, and a cable matching your level of F2 hijacker > skills.
In total, there are 7 levels of hijacker:
1 Hijack level - 0.
2 The hijacking level - 40.
3 The hijacking level - 120.
4 The hijacking level - 280.
5 The hijacking level - 600.
6 The hijacking level - 1240.
7 The hijacking level - 2520.
Abduction quests can be taken from NPCs on your faction respawn. After you have taken the task, you will receive an SMS on your phone from some "Anonymous".
The message will indicate: make, color, number of the car. And also a yellow circle will appear on the map, in this circle you need to look for a car.
After you find the car, approach it and press the "G" interaction button, you will have a choice:
Break the window - if you press the button, you will break the window and also open the door, in this case you will lose 50% of the initial amount of the theft.
Pick the door lock - if you press the button, you will use the turbo decoder and also start the mini game of picking the door lock. How to play it? LMB on the screen, and when you hear a click, press SPACEBAR.
After you broke the door and got behind the wheel, press the "E" button. You will start the ignition hacking mini-game if you have the ECU Programmer.
All you need is to control the blue moving square by pressing LMB, your goal is to touch the blue moving square, the yellow squares. If you hit all the squares - the ignition will break.
With some chance, after hacking, you will be wanted by the police, they will receive your location every 30 seconds, and they will also know your color, make, number of the car. You need to deliver the car to the car receiver as soon as possible. You will see a yellow mark on the map, as well as an automatically generated route.
Quant Role Play is currently under development, so the content of the technical documentation may change in the future.
Last updated