The family system is a new type of organization that you create from scratch. You yourself will decide what to call your organization, what it will become and what it will do.
You can create a family in the City Hall, its cost will be Q$3,000,000. To create a family, you will also need a house of 4 g.m. In addition to the name, you have to choose the family tag, the main color and the palette of the interface. You will also be able to upload your own logo and it will appear in the game. All this will help make your family unique.
To keep families in line with regular factions, we've made them just as flexible and customizable, while giving them even more freedom to manage. Manage the composition of the family and give bonuses to the best employees.
Manage your rank system. Create new positions and decide for yourself how to name them and what powers to assign them. photo The leader's house will become a shelter and warehouse for the family, where you can appear when entering the server, as well as store items and materials.
If a family needs a car fleet, a family member can transfer their personal vehicle for personal use using G>Family car>Transfer car to family.
Any transport, including helicopters and cars, can be transferred to the family for a donation. The family leader can fully edit transport access for ranks.
If desired, the car can be returned to your possession using G>Family car>Remove from family. In the event that you are dismissed from seven, this will happen automatically.
These and other functions are available in the new application on the tablet, right here you can take tasks from employers, these tasks, called contracts, will become the main income for the family and help in further development.
About 10 unique contracts with tasks focused on teamwork await you. To find out where to take things from contracts, you can use the navigator F3>Family contracts.
For the fulfillment of contracts, the family will receive: items, money and reputation. At the same time, various contracts can affect the reputation, both for the better and for the worse, it opens new contracts for your family, and also determines its further path - legal or criminal.
Quant Role Play is currently under development, so the content of the technical documentation may change in the future.
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