On the game you can find a market where you can sell items you don't need. The redemption price is constantly changing.
Among the merchants you can find:
Gunsmith - Guanghui Chen. From him you can buy binoculars and a bat, or sell the following weapons: Short Shotgun, Pump Shotgun, Pump Shotgun, Double Barreled Shotgun, Colt 45 Pistol, Armor Penetrating Pistol, Assault Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun.
Pyrotechnics - Xinhua Zhou. From her you can sell and buy various boxes with fireworks, as well as a thermite installation.
Mushroom - An Tsai. You will be able to sell different mushrooms from him, which you can find while working as a mushroom picker.
Environmentalist - Greta Thunberg. In it you can sell tape, ropes, keys, cans of corn, cable ties, empty cigarette packs, empty bags, Toxic whiskey, Camel cigarettes, Old Coke, vintage first aid kit, vintage lunch box, Lite Beer, Chinese obscene voyeurism, "Grave" cigarettes ", a butterfly in a jar, an ancient manuscript, a coin of chaos, a broken memory stick, a cryptocurrency chip, an extra strong container, secret documents and a data storage - 16 TB. There is a limit on the sale of this or that item.
Tailor - Heping Yang. From him you can sell various things and buy a wallet. Mechanic - Yunsheng Li From him you can buy: Turbo decoder, ECU programmer, Cable (1-7), Electoral door cable, shovel, metal detector, shaver.
Jeweler - Shenley Wang. From him you can sell: Gold Bar, Skull with Diamonds, Cougar Statuette, Ancient Plate, Swiss Watch Collection.
Kiosk cashier - Charles Richards. You can buy food and drink from him.
Fisherman - Kenrick Roger. You can sell fish from him.
Lumberjack - Jack Haley. You can buy an ax from him and also sell the whole tree.
Quant Role Play is currently under development, so the content of the technical documentation may change in the future.
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