1. Builder
The job can be found by pressing the F3 key > Job > Builder.
1 level - Loader. The work takes place on the lower level. It is necessary to carry bags of cement from point "A" to point "B".
Number of bags to upgrade: 700. Payment: Q$55 per point.
2 level - Mounter. The work takes place on the middle level, you can go up using the elevator. Having climbed to the work floor, you need to work on the labels with the completion of the mini-game. Number of completed mini-games for promotion: 2500. Payment: Q$25 per point.
3 рівень - Engineer. The work takes place on the roof of the building. Having climbed there, you will have the same job as in the previous level, but the marks will be closer to each other. This level is the maximum in this profession.
Payment: Q$26 per point.
2. Butcher
The job can be found by pressing F3 > Job > Butcher.
The job at the meat processing plant is that you have to chop meat and sell it to an NPC character.
1 level - Payment: Q$10 per point. Number of chopped pieces of meat to upgrade: 1200.
2 level - Payment: Q$15 per point. Number of chopped pieces of meat to upgrade: 3000.
3 level - Payment: Q$20 per point. This level is the maximum in this profession.
3. Woodcutter
The job can be found by pressing F3 > Job > Lumberjack.
To work as a lumberjack, you need to buy an ax that is sold in the market. To find the market, use GPS - F3 - Important - Market.
Jay Haley, that's the name of the seller, will pick you the best ax. By the way, you will also have to hand over the logs to him, so don't forget the way to the market. In this job, you will have to chop down trees while completing a short mini-game, it has only 4 levels.
With a certain chance, you can find a ghula that costs Q$1000-2000 per piece.
1 level - Pine log - Payment: Q$64-107 per piece. Number of trees felled to upgrade: 2600.
2 level - Oak log - Payment: Q$95-158 per pc. Number of trees felled to upgrade: 8450.
3 level - Birch log - Payment: Q$125-209 per piece. Number of trees felled to upgrade: 23400.
4 level - Maple log - Payment: Q$156-261 per pc. This level is the maximum in this profession.
Jobs without the need for employment:
1. Fishing
You can fish in specially designated places, the location of which can be found in GPS by pressing the F3 key > Miscellaneous > Fishing Zone.
There are 14 different locations, in each of which you can catch a different type of fish. Each type of fish is caught according to the level of your profession.
Payment is based on the weight of the fish and the rate per gram for it. Some locations may require watercraft, the rental location of which can be found on the GPS by pressing F3 > Misc > Boat Rentals.
Before selling your catch, you need to purchase a license. You can do this in the City Hall by approaching the NPC. The cost of the license is Q$3,000. The place to buy fish can be found in the GPS by pressing the F3 key > Miscellaneous > Selling fish.
1 level - Zones: 1, 2, 3, 4. Fish: Trout. Price: Q$0.35 per gram. Number of promotion experience: 196.
2 level - Zones: 5,6. Fish: Flounder. Price: Q$0.08 per gram. Number of promotion experience: 588.
3 level - Zone 7,8. Fish: Tuna. Price: Q$0.05 per gram. Amount of promotion experience: 1,225.
4 level - Zone 9,10. Fish: Red Soldier. Price: Q$0.55 per gram. Number of promotion experience: 2,205.
5 level - Zone 11. Fish: Carp. Price: Q$0.14 per gram. Amount of promotion experience: 3,920.
6 level - Zone 12. Fish: Orange carp. Price: Q$0.06 per gram. Amount of promotion experience: 6,125.
7 level - Zone 13. Fish: Aquamarine. Price: Q$0.16 per gram. Amount of promotion experience: 8,820.
8 level - Zone 14. Fish: Goldfish. Price: Q$0.78 per gram. This level is the maximum in this profession.
In fishing, the skill develops only at the level of your skill. And also the world quest and seasonal tasks [BP] of the fisherman will be performed only in the fishing zone where you improve your skill.
2. Farming
You can work as a farmer on special fields that can be found in the GPS by pressing the F3 key > Work > Farmer.
Earnings on the farm come from selling the grown or harvested crop to the NPC. There are 5 levels of skill development with which you can grow a more expensive crop. Whatever you grow, you can also eat. Despite this possibility, we do not recommend eating wheat.
The NPC that buys your food can be found in the GPS by pressing F3 > Misc > Selling Provisions. Don't forget to buy a watering can at any store 24/7, it will come in handy for working on the farm.
Each type of culture grows from 2 to 10 minutes, after which, if it is not harvested, it can rot. Also note that each player has a limit on the number of crops they can grow at a time of 5, and all fields have a limit on the total number of crops they can grow. Different crops are grown in different fields.
1 level – Oranges. Collect on the field 1/5. Oranges cannot be planted, but they can be harvested. You need to do this until your level increases. Required amount of experience to level up: 450. Price for each orange: Q$28.
Starting with the cultivation of wheat, it is necessary to purchase seeds of the corresponding crop. You can find them in any store 24/7.
2 level – Wheat. Collect on the field 2/5. Required amount of experience to level up: 1070. Price for each wheat: Q$180.
3 level - Potato. Collect on the field 3/5. Required amount of experience to level up: 1730 (cabbage), 2830 (corn). Price for each potato: Q$227.
4, 5 рівень - Cabbage, corn. Collect on the field 4/5. Required amount of experience to level up: 4660 (pumpkins), 7540 (bananas). Price for each cabbage: Q$312. Price for each corn: Q$427.
6, 7 level - Pumpkins, bananas. Collect on the field 5/5. This level is the maximum in this profession. Price for each pumpkin: Q$604. Price for each banana: Q$825.
3. Mushroom
To work as a mushroom picker, you need to purchase a hunting knife at any 24/7 store. In this profession, there are 6 levels of development, each of which is tied to the mushroom hunting zone. The radius of mushroom growth around the label is approximately 200 meters. Every hour the price of mushrooms changes, so the level description gives approximate values.
The job can be found in GPS by pressing F3 > Job > Mushroom.
1 level - Champignon. Zone of mushrooms 1/6. Price per piece ~ Q$93. Required amount of experience to level up: 550.
2 level - Common mushroom. Zone of mushrooms 2/6. Price per piece ~ Q$115. Required amount of experience to level up: 1,500.
3 level - Checkered hypsizygus. Mushroom zone 3/6. Price per piece ~ Q$83. Level Up Experience Required: 1,900.
4 level – Fly agaric. Mushroom zone 4/6. Price per piece ~ Q$213. Level Up Experience Required: 4,300.
5 level – Bolotnik Mushroom zone 5/6. Price per piece ~ Q$323. Experience required to level up: 7700.
6 level - Christmas tree. Zone of mushrooms 6/6. Price per piece ~ Q$403. This level is the maximum in this profession.
The golden mushroom can be found randomly in any of the 6 zones, it can be collected only with the maximum leveled skill of the mushroom picker, its cost is Q$1,000 - Q$3,000. Prices are constantly changing, so keep an eye on them at NPC.
Jobs for which you need to get a job
1. Janitor (Trash)
While you're employed anywhere, you don't get hourly unemployment benefits, but government employees can still get paid. The main criterion for employment is the presence of a driver's license of one or another category, which depends on the chosen job.
You can read about obtaining rights in the previous section. You can find the job by pressing F3 > Job > Trash.
You can work together with friends on this job. To do this, you need to open the phone - group - click "+" in the upper right corner - in the window that appears, specify the #static of the player with whom you plan to work together - send a request to join the group.
The more players in the group with you, the more money each of you gets. CDL: B driver's license required for employment.
1 level - Payment: Q$147 per kilometer. Required amount of experience to level up: 650.
2 level - Payment: Q$189 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 2600.
3 level - Payment: Q$231 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 8500.
4 level - Payment: Q$273 per kilometer. Level Up Experience Required: 26,000.
5 level - Payment: Q$315 per kilometer. This level is the maximum in this profession.
2. Collector
You can find the job by pressing the F3 key - Job - Collector.
You can work together with friends on this job. To do this, you need to open the phone - group - click "+" in the upper right corner - in the window that appears, specify the #static of the player with whom you plan to work together - send a request to join the group.
The more players in the group with you, the more money each of you gets.
Для працевлаштування необхідно мати ліцензію на керування категорією B.
1 level - Оплата: Q$94 за кілометр. Необхідна кількість досвіду підвищення рівня: 100.
2 level - Оплата: Q$125 за кілометр. Необхідна кількість досвіду підвищення рівня: 300.
3 level - Оплата: Q$160 за кілометр. Необхідна кількість досвіду підвищення рівня: 900.
4 level - Оплата: Q$186 за кілометр. Необхідна кількість досвіду для підвищення рівня: 2500.
5 level - Оплата: Q$194 за кілометр. Цей рівень є максимальним у цій професії.
3. Postman
The job can be found by pressing the "F3" key - Job - Postman.
You can work together with friends on this job. To do this, you need to open the phone - group - click "+" in the upper right corner - in the window that appears, specify the #static of the player with whom you plan to work together - send a request to join the group.
The more players in the group with you, the more money each of you gets.
A C/D driving license is required for employment.
1 level - Payment: Q$263 per kilometer. Required amount of experience to level up: 500.
2 level - Payment: Q$335 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 2100.
3 level - Payment: Q$310 per kilometer. Level Up Experience Required: 6,800.
4 level - Payment: Q$820 per kilometer. This level is the maximum in this profession.
3. Taxi driver
The job can be found by pressing the F3 key > Job > Taxi Driver.
Working as a taxi driver, you have to deliver people from point A to point B safely.
To start working you need transport. You can start by renting a car from the taxi park, and after collecting money, go to the city in your own car.
Notifications about new orders are sent to the chat, and in order to accept them, you need to use the /accept ID command. At the moment, it is impossible to cancel a received call.
For employment, you must have a category B driver's license.
4. Truck driver
The job can be found by pressing F3 > Job > Truckers.
Working as a trucker, you will have to deliver goods of various classes throughout the state.
In order to start working, it is necessary to have a driving license of category C/D.
To start a workday, you must rent a vehicle from an NPC or own a commercial vehicle, then load at a marker. The type of transport on which you will be able to deliver goods depends on the level of this profession, at first only a pickup truck will be available to you. The salary of a truck driver also depends on its type:
1 level - Pickup. Payment: Q$87 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 500.
2 level - Truck. Payment: Q$192 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 2,000.
3 level - Single truck. Payment: Q$205 per kilometer. This level is the maximum for this profession.
You can purchase vehicles for further work at the 7/9 Auto Showroom (near City Hall), you can purchase Mercedez-Benz Sprinter, Dodge Sprinter, and at the 9/9 Auto Showroom – Vapid Speedo Express and work on it from level 1.
If you rent it from other players, then you need 2 level truckers.
5. Bus driver
The job can be found by pressing F3 > Job > Bus Driver.
Working as a bus driver, you will have to drive along prescribed routes, strictly at checkpoints (stops).
For employment, a driver's license category C/D is required. The bus can be rented for Q$650.
1 level - Payment: Q$130 per kilometer. Experience needed to level up: 250.
2 level - Payment: Q$163 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 700.
3 level - Payment: Q$195 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 2,000.
4 level - Payment: Q$228 per kilometer. Experience required to level up: 6,000.
5 level - Payment: Q$260 per kilometer. This level is the maximum for this profession.
Quant Role Play is currently under development, so the content of the technical documentation may change in the future.
Last updated